Sunday, January 20, 2019

Wintery Walks

The last 3 weeks I have been working on my health and it feels amazing. I was having so much anxiety: anxiety attacks, odd pains in my chest, every once in awhile I could feel my heart beat differently for a moment. I was feeling sluggish, unhealthy, cranky etc. I decided at the beginning of the year that that day would be the start of a brand new and healthy life for now on.

 Now that I am not over-indulging on sugars and food I am rediscovering the love for flavors of food. I made a salmon in my iron skillet the other day, normally it tastes ok. This time it tasted delicious. It flaked perfectly and the flavor was exactly the mouth watering savory I needed. Yogurts are so thick and delectable, rich and smooth. I can taste the sweetness to almonds and savor the delicious aromas of different spices. I forgot how savory and wonderful they are: cinnamon, cloves, oregano, ginger, basil, cilantro, parsley, different teas and herbs, all of these wonderful flavors that I have not been noticing until recently.

 I love taking walks and runs: the way my muscles feel when they are warming up and moving, the way my lungs and heart feel, how my blood runs through warming everything up. Breathing in the fresh crisp air is rejuvenating and uplifting. It is quite a high. For some reason I lost touch of all of that. Long wintery runs and walks are so refreshing and meditative. The smells wafting from homes in the quiet stillness of the snowfall are heartwarming and sweet. Hearing the wind blow and watching it catch the snow and dance in the air while feeling the coldness on my face. Wow, it's such an awesome experience, I feel so incredibly grateful to feel.

This is going to be one hell of an amazing year.

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