Thursday, October 11, 2018


For some reason many people (definitely not me, I have never done this...ever) think they should be saying yes to people every time someone asks them to do something; like can you pet my cat 7 days next week while I'm out of town, so she's not lonely, or cousin invites you to bridal shower so you can give up your weekend night to spend at least a 100 bucks on her even though you see each other once a year, if that, or your friends kids birthday party: to buy kid a present and take time to buy the damn present, wrap it, waste at least 5 more bucks on the damn card and hope you have some saved wrapping paper at home so as not to waste more money on that, then you still have to go to the party and this friend (questionable friendships) rarely makes efforts for you or how about when your parents guilt trip you into going shopping with them and you despise it?When most of those things basically give you severe nightmares thinking about it. You would rather eat a slug then go or maybe a plate of ants. So I say to hell with it! Do you and your own plans it is much better for your mental health.

 I think the same about apologizing. Why apologize to anyone when you are not goddammed sorry. When you are out in public and someone bumps into you and you apologize?? Oh hell no, just stare at them until they get scared and run off or they can fucking apologize?!? Apologizing takes away some of your power and makes you look like a scared frightened little rabbit. And nope, apologies are for the birds or maybe rabbits. Not tough empowered tiger people...which is what we all want to be, least I pretend I am.

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